At the dawn of the 20th century, a new international order was emerging. One founded on oil. And by the end of the 20th century, that order was firmly established. Heating. Transportation. Industrial power. Plastic manufacturing. Pharmaceuticals. There is no facet of modern life that is not, one way or another, dependent on oil.
But the rulers of this oiligarchy — the Rockefellers at Standard Oil, the British royals at BP, the Dutch royals and the Rothschilds at Royal Dutch Shell — were not content with mere financial domination. The power that came with their near-total monopoly on the world’s most important commodity was enormous, and they had no qualms about using that power to re-make the world in their image.
As we saw in How Big Oil Conquered the World, the impact of the oiligarchs has been breathtaking. From the education system to the medical profession, from the “Green Revolution” to the “Gene Revolution,” from World War to the Gulf War, oil money has been used to shape every aspect of the world we live in.
With the rise of the petrodollar in the 1970s, even the international monetary system itself rests on oil.
But now, in the 21st century, it seems that the old order, the oil order, is finally coming to an end.
The masses, having identified the oiligarchs and their destructive grip on the planet, see Big Oil waning and have begun to celebrate. To them, the promise of a post-carbon future represents the end of the oiligarchy.
What many do not realise, however, is that the oil order was never about oil. The oiligarchs did not care about oil but control. And, having long outgrown their financial dependence on the commodity that brought them their power and riches, they are at the forefront of this push for the post-carbon era.
Now, the oiligarchs are seeking to bring in a new international order. One in which their control is consolidated, their plan complete, their power unquestionable. One in which every aspect of human life, from energy to money to the very genome itself, is precisely ordered and technologically controlled.
This is the story of what the oiligarchs really desire, and how they plan to achieve it.
Big oil. Big pharma. The Green Revolution. Genetic engineering. Eugenics. The environmental movement. Technocracy. Not one person in a thousand can detail the historical development of these ideas, or the people and the agenda that connects them.
But if you have watched this documentary, you are now that one person in a thousand. The question is, “What are you going to do with this information?”
As the oiligarchs’ quest for total control comes into view, it’s difficult to remember that it all started a century and a half ago with “Devil Bill” Rockefeller, a two-bit snake oil salesman always on the run from the last group of marks he managed to con.
In a way, nothing has changed but the scope of the con and the number of marks who have fallen for the routine. But now that you know the snake oil that is being fed to the public, the only question that matters is: Are you going to drink it?
Full documentary transcript:
John Coleman of KUSI: How the Global Warming Scare Began
Broadcast Meteorologist of the year John Coleman of the American Meteorological society and founder of The Weather Channel explains the global warming hysteria.
A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was senile and refused to debate.
John Coleman documents the entire story in the video below and shows how tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.